dan's math books
Dan Bach has authored several print textbooks, multimedia CD-ROMs, website lessons, and interactive multi-touch iBooks.
Modern e-books and interactive iBooks
interactive multi-touch (iBooks format for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
e-books (kindle and epub format, fewer 3D features)
PDFs (less interactivity, view almost anywhere)
Print Textbooks:
Beginning Algebra:
Solutions for a Variable World
by Dan Bach
Math for a Variable World
Dan Bach / Patricia Leitner
Multimedia Lessons (Digital/CD-ROM)
Dan's Basic Skills Math Clinic (arithmetic, prealgebra, beginning algebra)
Precalculus and Mathematica (interactive notebooks from the 1990s)
Linear Algebra and Mathematica (more interactive notebooks)
Dr. Bach's Math Clinic (hypercard stacks from 1989-90!)